What Are The Smoking Policies On Various Cruise Lines?

In this article, we will be discussing the smoking policies on various cruise lines. You will learn about the different guidelines and restrictions that cruise lines have in place when it comes to smoking onboard their ships. We’ll explore topics such as designated smoking areas, prohibited smoking areas, and any other specific rules that each cruise line may have. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what to expect in terms of smoking policies when you go on a cruise.

What Are The Smoking Policies On Various Cruise Lines?


In today’s society, smoking policies have become increasingly strict and enforced in various public places. This includes cruise lines, where the importance of maintaining a healthy and enjoyable environment for all passengers is paramount. In this article, we will explore the smoking policies of various cruise lines and discuss their impact on passenger experience.

Importance of Smoking Policies on Cruise Lines

The implementation of smoking policies on cruise lines is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures the safety and well-being of all passengers and crew members. Secondhand smoke can be detrimental to non-smokers, causing various health issues. By imposing specific regulations, cruise lines aim to minimize the exposure of non-smokers to secondhand smoke and create a healthy environment for all on board.

Overview of Smoking Policies on Cruise Lines

Different cruise lines adopt various smoking policies based on their target audience, market niche, and overall company philosophy. Some take a strict no smoking approach, while others have limited policies or allow electronic cigarettes. Let’s take a closer look at each category.

Strict No Smoking Policy

Several cruise lines have adopted a zero-tolerance approach to smoking on board their ships. This means that smoking is completely prohibited in all areas, including cabins, balconies, and public spaces. Passengers who violate this policy may face penalties or even eviction from the ship. Instead, these cruise lines designate specific decks as smoking areas to accommodate the needs of smokers. These designated areas are carefully chosen to minimize the impact on non-smokers, ensuring that they can enjoy their cruise without exposure to smoke.

What Are The Smoking Policies On Various Cruise Lines?

Limited Smoking Policy

Many cruise lines have opted for a limited smoking policy that strikes a balance between catering to the needs of smokers and protecting the comfort of non-smokers. These cruise lines usually designate specific outdoor areas as smoking zones, equipped with ventilation systems to lessen the impact of the smoke on surrounding areas. Additionally, there are specific rules and regulations in place that smokers must adhere to, such as the disposal of cigarette butts in designated receptacles. There are also areas where smoking is strictly prohibited, ensuring that non-smokers can enjoy their time on board without any inconvenience or discomfort.

Smoking Policy for E-Cigarettes

With the rise in popularity of electronic cigarettes, many cruise lines have developed specific policies to accommodate passengers who use them. While the regulations surrounding e-cigarette smoking vary among cruise lines, electronic smoking is generally allowed on board. However, passengers are often restricted to designated areas, similar to traditional smoking policies. This helps to maintain a comfortable environment for all passengers while considering the needs and preferences of e-cigarette users.

What Are The Smoking Policies On Various Cruise Lines?

Additional Considerations

Apart from the specific smoking policies, cruise lines also lay out penalties for those who violate the rules. These penalties may include fines, eviction from the ship, or even legal action in extreme cases. The enforcement of smoking policies is typically strict, with crew members constantly monitoring the compliance of passengers. This ensures that the policies are effective in creating a smoke-free or limited-smoke environment.

One of the key factors driving the implementation of smoking policies on cruise lines is the recognition of the negative impact of secondhand smoke on non-smoking passengers. Cruise lines understand that the health and overall experience of their non-smoking guests is just as important as that of their smoking guests. By maintaining strict policies and designated smoking areas, cruise lines can strike a balance, ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of all passengers.

Smoking Policies of Popular Cruise Lines

Let’s delve into the smoking policies of popular cruise lines to understand the variations and differences among them.

Carnival Cruise Line

Carnival Cruise Line has implemented a strict no smoking policy. Smoking is only allowed in designated outdoor areas on certain decks, while smoking in cabins and balconies is strictly prohibited. The company emphasizes the importance of maintaining a smoke-free environment for non-smokers and aims to create a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all passengers.

Royal Caribbean International

Royal Caribbean International also adopts a strict no smoking policy in most areas of their ships. However, they have designated certain outdoor areas as smoking zones, providing smokers with an area where they can indulge in their habit without affecting non-smokers. Smoking in cabins and balconies is not allowed.

Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Cruise Line adopts a similar no smoking policy to Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International. Smoking is prohibited in most areas except for designated outdoor areas on specific decks. Like the other cruise lines mentioned, smoking is not allowed in cabins and balconies.

Disney Cruise Line

Disney Cruise Line has a strict no smoking policy across their fleet. Smoking is only permitted in designated outdoor areas on the ships. However, smoking is completely prohibited in cabins, balconies, and other indoor areas.

Princess Cruises

Princess Cruises has a limited smoking policy that designates specific outdoor areas as smoking zones. They also provide a small number of cabins with balconies where smoking is allowed. Smoking is prohibited in all other areas of the ship.

Holland America Line

Holland America Line adopts a similar limited smoking policy to Princess Cruises. Designated outdoor smoking areas are available on their ships, and smoking is also allowed on cabin balconies. Indoor areas are strictly non-smoking.

MSC Cruises

MSC Cruises has implemented a more lenient smoking policy compared to other cruise lines. Smoking is allowed in designated indoor and outdoor areas on their ships, including dedicated lounges and certain open decks. However, smoking is not permitted in cabins or balconies.

What Are The Smoking Policies On Various Cruise Lines?

Comparison of Smoking Policies

The smoking policies of different cruise lines vary significantly, reflecting the preferences of their target market and their overall company philosophy. It is essential for passengers to familiarize themselves with the smoking policies of a specific cruise line before booking to ensure that it aligns with their preferences and requirements.

Cruise lines are aware of the importance of providing clear communication about their smoking policies to passengers. This includes providing information on their websites, in booking materials, and during the embarkation process. By doing so, passengers can make informed decisions and choose the cruise line that best suits their needs.

Importance of Transparency

Transparency is key when it comes to smoking policies on cruise lines. Communicating the policies clearly and effectively to passengers is crucial not only for their comfort but also for their safety. Cruise lines should provide comprehensive information about their smoking policies, including designated smoking areas and any restrictions that apply. This allows passengers to plan their time on board accordingly, ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Furthermore, it is important for cruise lines to continuously review and update their smoking policies in response to feedback from passengers and changing societal norms. By doing so, they can address any concerns and make improvements that enhance the passenger experience.

What Are The Smoking Policies On Various Cruise Lines?

Passenger Satisfaction and Feedback

The smoking policies of cruise lines undoubtedly have an impact on passenger satisfaction. Non-smoking passengers appreciate the measures taken to ensure a smoke-free or limited-smoke environment, allowing them to fully enjoy their cruise experience. On the other hand, smokers may also appreciate the designated areas where they can indulge in their habit without affecting others.

Collecting feedback from passengers regarding the smoking policies is crucial for cruise lines. This feedback should be used to continuously evaluate and improve the policies to meet the expectations and preferences of passengers. By actively listening to and addressing concerns, cruise lines can enhance passenger satisfaction and create an environment that caters to the needs of all passengers.


In conclusion, the smoking policies of cruise lines play a significant role in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all passengers. The variations in these policies reflect the diverse needs and preferences of the traveling public. By implementing strict no smoking policies, limited smoking policies, or allowing smoking in designated areas only, cruise lines strive to strike a balance that satisfies both smokers and non-smokers.

Passengers should familiarize themselves with the smoking policies of different cruise lines before booking to ensure that their preferences align. Transparency and clear communication of these policies are essential for a positive passenger experience. Cruise lines should continuously review and update their policies based on feedback from passengers to ensure the best possible experience for all on board.