What Is The Tipping Policy For Various Cruise Lines?

In this article, you will learn about the tipping policies for different cruise lines. It can be confusing to know how much to tip and who to tip while on a cruise, so this article will break down the policies for you. By the end, you will have a better understanding of what is expected and can plan accordingly for your next cruise.

Each cruise line has its own policy when it comes to tipping, so it’s important to know what to expect. Some cruise lines automatically add a gratuity charge to your onboard account, while others leave it up to you to decide how much to tip. Additionally, some cruise lines include gratuities in the price of your ticket, while others require you to pay them separately. Understanding the tipping policy for your specific cruise line will help you budget and avoid any surprises when it comes to tipping the staff onboard.

What Is The Tipping Policy For Various Cruise Lines?

What is tipping?

Tipping is a common practice in the service industry where customers express their gratitude and appreciation for good service by giving extra money to service providers. It is a way of acknowledging the effort put in by the staff to make your experience better. In the context of cruise lines, tipping refers to the monetary rewards given to the crew members for their exceptional service during your voyage.

Why is tipping important on cruise lines?

Tipping is essential on cruise lines because it is an integral part of the crew members’ income. While they do receive a basic salary, it is often quite low, and their livelihood primarily depends on the tips they receive from passengers. These tips help provide financial stability and motivate the crew members to consistently deliver the highest level of service throughout your cruise.

How do tipping policies differ across cruise lines?

Tipping policies can vary significantly across different cruise lines. Some cruise lines have mandatory tipping policies, where a specific amount is automatically added to your onboard account each day for the duration of your cruise. On the other hand, some cruise lines have discretionary tipping policies, allowing passengers to decide how much to tip and whom to tip individually. The approach taken by each cruise line depends on their specific philosophy and business model.

Cruise lines with mandatory tipping policies

Several cruise lines have mandatory tipping policies in place. For example, Royal Caribbean automatically adds an amount to your onboard account each day, which covers tips for the dining room staff, cabin stewards, and other service personnel. Norwegian Cruise Line also follows a similar policy, adding a daily amount to your account based on the ship and cabin category.

Carnival Cruise Line is another popular cruise line with a mandatory tipping policy. They charge a set daily amount per passenger, which covers the tips for the dining room waiter, cabin steward, and several other service personnel. These mandatory tipping policies ensure that the crew members receive a consistent and fair portion of the gratuities.

What Is The Tipping Policy For Various Cruise Lines?

Cruise lines with discretionary tipping policies

Some cruise lines, like Celebrity Cruises and Princess Cruises, have discretionary tipping policies, allowing passengers to decide how much they want to tip and who they want to tip individually. With such policies, the expectation is that passengers will recognize and reward exceptional service by tipping accordingly. This approach gives passengers more control over their tipping decisions.

What are the average tipping rates on different cruise lines?

The average tipping rates can vary across cruise lines. In general, most cruise lines suggest a daily amount ranging from $12 to $15 per passenger. However, it is important to note that these are just recommendations, and passengers are free to adjust the amounts as they see fit. The final tipping amount often depends on the quality of service received and the individual’s personal satisfaction.

What Is The Tipping Policy For Various Cruise Lines?

How are tips distributed among the cruise staff?

The distribution of tips among the cruise staff can vary depending on the cruise line’s policy. In most cases, the tips are pooled and then distributed among the employees based on different factors such as job positions and level of service. The purpose behind this distribution method is to ensure a fair and equitable division of the gratuities among the crew members who contribute to your overall cruise experience.

Is it possible to adjust tipping amounts?

Yes, it is possible to adjust tipping amounts on most cruise lines. Whether you are on a cruise line with a mandatory or discretionary tipping policy, you can typically adjust the tipping amounts by contacting the guest services desk. If you feel that the service provided deserves a higher or lower tip than the recommended amount, you have the flexibility to make those adjustments. The crew members understand that tipping is subjective, and they appreciate any additional recognition for exceptional service.

What Is The Tipping Policy For Various Cruise Lines?

Is it necessary to tip on a cruise?

While tipping is not technically mandatory on a cruise, it is highly recommended. As mentioned earlier, the crew members rely on these gratuities for a significant portion of their income. By tipping, you are acknowledging their hard work and dedication, and helping to support the livelihood of those who make your cruise experience memorable. It is a way of showing appreciation for their service and ensuring that they are fairly compensated for their efforts.


In conclusion, the tipping policy for various cruise lines can differ significantly. Some cruise lines have mandatory tipping policies, where a set amount is automatically added to your onboard account. Other cruise lines have discretionary tipping policies, giving passengers the freedom to decide how much to tip individually. It is important to be aware of the tipping policy of the particular cruise line you are sailing with, as it allows you to properly plan and budget for your tipping expenses.

Regardless of the tipping policy, tipping is necessary and highly encouraged on a cruise. It is an opportunity to express gratitude to the hardworking crew members who strive to make your cruise experience exceptional. So, next time you embark on a cruise adventure, remember the tipping etiquette and make sure to acknowledge the outstanding service provided by the crew members who go above and beyond to make your journey memorable.

What Is The Tipping Policy For Various Cruise Lines?