Can I Bring A Drone On A Cruise?

So you’re all set to go on a cruise and you’re wondering if you can bring your trusty drone along for the ride. Well, I’ve got good news for you! Bringing a drone on a cruise is definitely possible, but there are a few important things you need to know before you start packing it in your suitcase.

Firstly, it’s important to check with the cruise line you’ll be traveling with, as each company may have different rules and regulations regarding drones. Some cruise lines have specific policies in place that allow passengers to bring their drones on board, while others may prohibit them altogether. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so reach out to the cruise line’s customer service or consult their website for detailed information.

Secondly, even if the cruise line does give you the green light to bring your drone, there are still some important considerations to keep in mind. The most significant one is that you won’t be able to fly your drone while the ship is in motion. It’s a safety measure to avoid any accidents or interference with the ship’s navigation systems. However, some cruise lines do have designated areas or specific times when passengers can safely fly their drones, so be sure to inquire about these possibilities.

In conclusion, while it is possible to bring a drone on a cruise, it’s essential to do your research and be mindful of the rules and regulations set by the cruise line. Drones can provide incredible aerial footage and a unique perspective of your cruise experience, but it’s important to always prioritize safety and respect the guidelines in place. So go ahead, pack your drone, and get ready to capture some amazing memories on your next cruise!


What is a drone?

A drone, also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is an aircraft that is operated remotely by a pilot or autonomously by onboard computers. Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their versatility and ability to capture stunning aerial footage. They come in various sizes and capabilities, ranging from small recreational drones to professional-grade models equipped with advanced cameras and sensors.

Why do people bring drones on cruises?

Bringing a drone on a cruise offers a unique opportunity to capture breathtaking footage of the ship, ports of call, and the surrounding scenery from an aerial perspective. Drones can provide a new and exciting way to document your cruise experience and create unforgettable memories. Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional photographer, having a drone on a cruise allows you to capture stunning visuals that would be otherwise impossible to achieve.

Cruise Line Policies

Different cruise line policies on bringing drones

It is important to note that each cruise line has its own policy regarding the allowance of drones on board their ships. Some cruise lines may allow passengers to bring drones on board, while others have strict restrictions or outright bans in place. It is crucial to research the specific policy of the cruise line you are planning to sail with before bringing a drone on your cruise. This information can usually be found on the cruise line’s official website or by contacting their customer service department.

Restrictions on drone usage

Even if a cruise line allows passengers to bring drones on board, there are usually specific rules and restrictions in place regarding their usage. Common restrictions include prohibiting the use of drones in certain areas of the ship, such as the pool deck or dining areas, for safety reasons. Additionally, drones may only be flown during designated times or in specific locations, to avoid disturbing other passengers or interfering with the operation of the ship. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these restrictions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone on board.

Transportation and Security

How to pack and transport a drone on a cruise

When bringing a drone on a cruise, it is crucial to properly pack and transport it to ensure its safety and protection from damage. Here are some tips for packing and transporting your drone:

  1. Invest in a sturdy travel case or backpack specifically designed for drones. These cases provide secure compartments and padding to protect your drone and accessories during transportation.
  2. Remove the propellers from your drone to prevent them from getting damaged or causing harm to other items in your luggage.
  3. Place the drone and any detachable components, such as batteries and propellers, in separate compartments within the travel case to prevent them from scratching or bumping into each other.
  4. Pack your drone in your carry-on luggage rather than checked baggage to avoid potential damage or loss during transit.

Security checks for drones

It is important to note that drones are subject to security checks at cruise terminals, just like any other electronic device. When going through security, you may be required to remove your drone from its case and place it in a separate bin for X-ray screening. Additionally, it is advisable to carry any necessary documentation, such as proof of ownership or permits, when traveling with a drone to expedite the security process and prevent any potential issues with authorities.

Local Laws and Regulations

Researching local laws before bringing a drone on a cruise

Before bringing a drone on a cruise, it is essential to research and familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations of the ports of call you will be visiting. This is because different countries and regions have varying rules and restrictions regarding drone usage. While some destinations are drone-friendly and allow recreational flying, others may require permits or licenses to operate a drone. Ignoring these regulations can lead to fines, confiscation of your drone, or even legal trouble. To avoid any issues, make sure to research and comply with the local laws and regulations of each port you visit.

Permits and licenses required in certain areas

In some areas, particularly those with sensitive ecosystems or historical sites, permits or licenses may be required to fly a drone. These permits are usually obtained through the local aviation authority or a designated government agency. It is important to plan ahead and apply for any necessary permits well in advance of your cruise to ensure a smooth and legal flying experience. Failure to obtain the required permits can result in penalties and the confiscation of your drone.

Drone Usage on a Cruise

Where and when can you fly a drone on a cruise?

The specific areas and times where you can fly a drone on a cruise vary depending on the cruise line and the ship’s itinerary. Some cruise lines may designate specific areas on the ship, such as the top deck or a designated drone flying zone, where passengers can fly their drones. However, it is essential to abide by the restrictions and guidelines set by the cruise line to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all passengers on board. Additionally, drones are typically not allowed to be flown while the ship is in motion or docked in a port, due to safety concerns.

Designated areas for drone usage

To accommodate drone enthusiasts, some cruise lines have designated areas on their ships where passengers can safely fly their drones. These areas are typically located away from other passengers and sensitive areas of the ship. They may be equipped with additional safety features, such as nets or barriers, to prevent any accidents or damage. Prior to flying your drone, it is important to check with the ship’s crew or consult the onboard guidelines to determine the specific areas designated for drone usage.

Safety and Etiquette

Safety considerations when flying a drone on a cruise

Flying a drone on a cruise requires a high level of responsibility and adherence to safety guidelines. Here are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the operating instructions and capabilities of your drone before flying it on a cruise.
  2. Always maintain line of sight with your drone and avoid flying it too far or too high.
  3. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid flying your drone near people, buildings, or sensitive areas.
  4. Check the weather conditions before flying and avoid flying in strong winds or adverse weather.
  5. Keep a safe distance from other aircraft, such as helicopters or seaplanes, that may be present in the area.
  6. Regularly check the status of your drone’s battery and avoid flying it when the battery is running low.
  7. Follow the guidance of the ship’s crew or any designated drone operators to ensure a safe flying experience.

Respecting privacy and other passengers

When flying a drone on a cruise, it is important to respect the privacy and space of other passengers. Avoid capturing footage or photos of individuals without their consent, as this may infringe upon their privacy. Additionally, be considerate of other passengers’ experiences and avoid flying your drone in crowded areas or during events that may cause disruptions. By practicing good etiquette and respecting the boundaries of others, you can ensure a positive experience for everyone on board.

Insurance Coverage

Does travel insurance cover drone accidents or losses?

Standard travel insurance policies typically do not provide coverage for drone accidents or losses. However, it is important to read the fine print of your policy or consult with your insurance provider to understand the specific coverage and exclusions related to drones. Some insurance companies may offer optional add-ons or specialized policies that provide coverage for drones. If your drone is valuable or if you are planning to use it extensively during your cruise, it may be worth considering purchasing additional insurance coverage for your peace of mind.

Special insurance for drones

In addition to travel insurance, there are specialized insurance policies available specifically for drones. These policies provide coverage for accidents, damage, theft, and liability associated with drone usage. They can be purchased on an annual basis or as short-term policies, depending on your needs. If you frequently travel with your drone or use it for commercial purposes, it is advisable to consider investing in specialized drone insurance to protect your investment and mitigate any potential risks.

Alternatives to Bringing a Drone

Renting drones at cruise ports

If you are hesitant to bring your own drone on a cruise or if you do not own a drone but still want to experience aerial photography, renting a drone at cruise ports is a viable option. Many cruise ports offer drone rental services, allowing passengers to rent a drone for a set period of time. This provides an opportunity to capture stunning footage without the hassle of bringing your own drone. However, it is important to inquire about the rental terms, costs, and safety guidelines before renting a drone.

Booking drone excursions

Another alternative to bringing a drone on a cruise is to book drone excursions or tours offered by some cruise lines or local operators. These excursions typically include the use of a drone and are led by experienced operators who can guide you to the best locations for capturing aerial footage. By participating in a drone excursion, you can enjoy the benefits of drone photography without the need to bring your own equipment or worry about local regulations. Additionally, these excursions often provide valuable insights and knowledge about the destination.

Tips and Recommendations

Tips for first-time drone users on cruises

If you are a first-time drone user planning to bring a drone on a cruise, here are some tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience:

  1. Practice flying your drone in an open and safe area before your cruise to familiarize yourself with its controls and features.
  2. Read the user manual and operating instructions thoroughly to understand how to operate your drone safely.
  3. Invest in extra batteries and a charging hub to maximize your flying time and avoid running out of power during your cruise.
  4. Bring a microfiber cloth and cleaning solution to keep your drone and camera lens free from dirt and smudges.
  5. Be mindful of the weight and size restrictions imposed by the cruise line, as some may have limitations on the dimensions of carry-on luggage.
  6. Join online forums or communities of drone enthusiasts to gather information, tips, and recommendations from experienced users.

Best practices for drone enthusiasts

For experienced drone enthusiasts who frequently bring their drones on cruises, here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Stay up to date with the latest regulations and flying guidelines in your home country and the ports of call you will be visiting.
  2. Carry all necessary permits, licenses, and documentation required by the local authorities.
  3. Respect the privacy and space of other passengers by avoiding intrusive or disruptive drone flights.
  4. Share your aerial footage responsibly and consider obtaining the necessary permissions before publishing or sharing it publicly.
  5. Take advantage of the unique perspectives and opportunities that a cruise offers for capturing beautiful and diverse footage.


In conclusion, bringing a drone on a cruise can be an exciting and rewarding experience for enthusiasts and photographers alike. However, it is important to be aware of the cruise line’s policies, local laws, and regulations regarding drone usage before embarking on your cruise. By doing proper research, planning ahead, and following safety guidelines, you can enjoy the thrill of flying a drone while respecting the privacy and experience of fellow passengers. Whether you decide to bring your own drone, rent one at a port, or book a drone excursion, capturing stunning aerial footage on your cruise is sure to create lasting memories of your journey.