Can I Bring A Water Bottle On A Cruise Ship?

Are you preparing for your upcoming cruise adventure and wondering if you can bring a water bottle on board? Well, the good news is that most cruise ships do allow you to bring your own water bottle on board. Not only is it convenient for staying hydrated throughout your journey, but it’s also an eco-friendly choice. In this article, we’ll explore the guidelines and restrictions surrounding bringing a water bottle on a cruise ship, so you can plan accordingly and ensure a refreshing cruise experience.

Policies and Regulations

Cruise Line Policies

When it comes to bringing a water bottle on a cruise ship, it’s important to be familiar with the policies and regulations set by the cruise line you will be traveling with. While most cruise lines allow passengers to bring their own water bottles, there may be specific guidelines and restrictions in place to ensure the safety and security of all passengers and crew.

Security Procedures

One of the main reasons for the policies and regulations surrounding water bottles on cruise ships is security. Cruise lines have strict security procedures in place to prevent any potential threats or hazards. This means that all items brought on board, including water bottles, will be subject to security screenings. It’s important to comply with these procedures and cooperate with the security personnel to ensure a smooth embarkation process.

Luggage Restrictions

Another factor to consider when bringing a water bottle on a cruise ship is the luggage restrictions imposed by the cruise line. Each cruise line may have different guidelines regarding the size, weight, and number of bags that passengers are allowed to bring. It’s essential to check the specific luggage restrictions of your cruise line to avoid any surprises or inconveniences.

Types of Water Bottles Allowed

Disposable Plastic Water Bottles

Disposable plastic water bottles are commonly allowed on cruise ships. These are great for convenience and can easily be disposed of after use. However, it’s important to note that some cruise lines have adopted environmentally-friendly practices and discourage the use of single-use plastics. In such cases, passengers are encouraged to consider alternative options.

Reusable Plastic Water Bottles

Reusable plastic water bottles are a popular choice among passengers who want to reduce their environmental impact while staying hydrated on a cruise ship. These bottles can be filled and refilled throughout the duration of the cruise, minimizing the need for disposable bottles. Look for BPA-free bottles that are durable and leak-proof for added convenience.

Metal Water Bottles

Metal water bottles are another option to consider when packing for a cruise. They are typically more durable than plastic bottles and can keep your water cool for longer periods. Stainless steel bottles are a popular choice due to their durability and ability to retain the temperature of the contents. It’s important to note that metal water bottles may undergo additional screening during security checks.

Filtered Water Bottles

Filtered water bottles are an excellent choice for those who want to ensure safe and clean drinking water while on a cruise ship. These bottles usually come with built-in filters that can remove impurities and contaminants from the water. This is particularly beneficial for passengers who are concerned about the quality of the tap water on board. Before purchasing a filtered water bottle, make sure to check the effectiveness of the filter and its lifespan.

Size and Capacity Restrictions

Cruise Line Regulations

Cruise lines may impose specific regulations regarding the size and capacity of water bottles allowed on board. While some cruise lines may not have strict limitations, others may restrict the size of water bottles brought on board for safety and space considerations. It’s crucial to check the guidelines provided by your cruise line to ensure compliance.

Airport Security Restrictions

If you are flying to your cruise ship, it’s essential to be aware of airport security restrictions regarding liquids. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has specific guidelines for carrying liquids in your carry-on luggage. Generally, the limit for liquid containers in carry-on bags is 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) per container, and all containers must fit into a clear, quart-sized bag. It’s important to transfer your water bottle to your checked luggage if it exceeds these limits.

Carrying Capacity

Consider the carrying capacity of your water bottle when packing for a cruise. Depending on your activities and preferences, you may want to bring a water bottle with a larger capacity to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day. However, keep in mind that larger water bottles may take up more space and add weight to your luggage. It’s important to find a balance between capacity and convenience when selecting your water bottle.

Refilling and Purification Options

Water Refilling Stations

Many cruise ships are equipped with water refilling stations where passengers can fill their water bottles throughout the day. These stations are usually located in common areas such as dining areas, pool decks, or near fitness centers. They provide a convenient and eco-friendly way for passengers to stay hydrated without relying on disposable water bottles.

Filtered Water Dispensers

Some cruise ships offer filtered water dispensers that provide purified and safe drinking water to passengers. These dispensers use advanced filtration systems to remove impurities and contaminants, ensuring that passengers have access to clean and healthy drinking water throughout their cruise. Check with your cruise line to see if they provide filtered water dispensers on board.

Purification Tablets and Drops

For passengers who want to ensure water safety even when refilling their bottles from questionable sources, purification tablets and drops can be a solution. These portable water treatment options are compact and easy to carry, allowing you to purify tap or untreated water before consuming it. Purification tablets typically contain chemicals that kill bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, making the water safe to drink. Always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when using these products.

Water Filtration Systems

If you are particularly concerned about the quality of water available on the cruise ship, you may consider investing in a portable water filtration system. These systems use advanced filters to remove impurities and improve the taste of the water. They are particularly useful for adventurous passengers who may encounter water sources with uncertain quality during shore excursions or other activities.

Cost and Availability of Bottled Water on Cruise Ships

Bottled Water Prices

While many cruise lines provide filtered or purified water at no additional cost, some passengers may prefer the convenience of having bottled water readily available. It’s important to note that purchasing bottled water on a cruise ship can be more expensive compared to buying it on land. The prices of bottled water can vary between cruise lines, so it’s advisable to check the onboard pricing before deciding whether to bring your own water bottle or purchase bottled water.

Purchasing Options

If you prefer the convenience of purchasing bottled water on the cruise ship, there are typically several purchasing options available. Most cruise lines offer individual bottles for sale at various locations onboard, such as bars, lounges, or specialty drink stands. Additionally, some cruise lines may offer package deals where you can pre-purchase a certain number of bottles at a discounted rate. Be sure to inquire about these options when planning your cruise.


Another aspect to consider when deciding whether to bring a water bottle on a cruise ship is the accessibility of drinking water. While many areas of the ship have water refilling stations or filtered water dispensers, there may be times when you are unable to access these amenities. For example, during shore excursions or outdoor activities, it may be more challenging to refill your water bottle. Bringing your own water bottle ensures that you have access to hydration wherever you go on the ship.

Benefits of Bringing Your Own Water Bottle

Cost Savings

One of the significant benefits of bringing your own water bottle on a cruise ship is cost savings. By refilling your bottle at water stations or using filtered water dispensers, you can avoid the expense of purchasing bottled water throughout the duration of your cruise. This is particularly advantageous for longer cruises or for passengers who consume a significant amount of water each day.

Environmental Considerations

Bringing your own water bottle is also an environmentally friendly choice. By reducing your consumption of single-use plastic bottles, you contribute to minimizing plastic waste that can harm the marine environment. Cruise lines are increasingly committed to sustainable practices, and by bringing your own water bottle, you align yourself with their efforts to protect our oceans.

Convenience and Hydration

Having your own water bottle on a cruise ship offers convenience and ensures proper hydration throughout your trip. Whether you are lounging by the pool, participating in onboard activities, or exploring ports of call, having access to water whenever you need it is essential. With a refillable water bottle, you can stay refreshed and avoid the inconvenience of searching for water or relying solely on tap water provided by the ship.

Other Drink Options onboard

Tap Water

Tap water on cruise ships is generally safe to drink, as it is treated and undergoes rigorous testing to meet health and safety standards. However, some passengers may prefer the taste or quality of filtered or bottled water. If you choose to drink tap water, it’s advisable to refill your water bottle from water stations or filtered water dispensers to enhance the taste and ensure the removal of any potential impurities.

Beverage Packages and Programs

Many cruise lines offer beverage packages and programs that allow passengers to have unlimited access to various drinks, including water, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. These packages are often available at an additional cost and can provide convenience and flexibility for passengers who prefer a variety of beverage options without worrying about individual purchases.

Drinks Included in the Fare

Depending on the cruise line and fare package you choose, certain drinks may already be included in the cost of your cruise. This can range from tap water and non-alcoholic beverages to specialty coffees or even a welcome drink upon embarkation. Be sure to review the details of your fare package to understand which drinks are included and to make the most of the offerings during your cruise.

Bringing Non-Alcoholic Beverages

While most cruise lines allow passengers to bring their own water bottles, the policies regarding other non-alcoholic beverages may vary. Some cruise lines have restrictions on bringing non-alcoholic beverages on board, while others may allow it within certain limits. It’s important to check the specific policies of your cruise line to understand what is permitted and any restrictions on quantities or packaging.

Tips for Carrying and Using Water Bottles on Cruise Ships

Labeling and Personalization

With the number of water bottles onboard a cruise ship, it’s essential to label your bottle with your name or cabin number to avoid confusion or misplacement. Personalizing your water bottle with stickers, decals, or other distinguishing marks can also help you easily identify it among similar bottles. This is particularly helpful in crowded areas like pool decks or common lounges.

Carrying Options

Consider the different carrying options available to ensure your water bottle is easily accessible during your cruise. Some water bottles come with built-in handles, straps, or carabiners, allowing you to attach them to your bag or easily carry them around. It’s important to find a carrying option that suits your needs and keeps your water bottle secure and within reach at all times.

Hygiene Considerations

Maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness is crucial when using a water bottle onboard a cruise ship. Make sure to wash your water bottle regularly with soap and water to prevent the buildup of bacteria or mold. If you are refilling your bottle from water stations or dispensers, ensure that the spout or nozzle of the bottle does not come into direct contact with the water source to minimize the risk of contamination.

Keeping Track of Your Bottle

It’s easy to misplace or forget your water bottle when moving around the cruise ship. To avoid this, develop a habit of always keeping your water bottle in a designated spot when not in use. This could be a side pocket of your bag, a dedicated cup holder, or a specific area in your cabin. By establishing this routine, you will always know where to find your water bottle, preventing unnecessary stress or inconvenience during your cruise.

Exceptions and Special Considerations

Infant or Baby Bottles

If you are traveling with an infant or small child, the rules and regulations surrounding water bottles may vary. Cruise lines often have specific policies in place regarding baby bottles and formula. It’s important to check with your cruise line in advance to understand any guidelines or restrictions and to make sure you have the necessary supplies for your child’s needs.

Medical Conditions and Prescription Bottles

Passengers with medical conditions that require the use of a specific water bottle or the consumption of a particular type of water should consult their cruise line in advance. In some cases, passengers may need to provide medical documentation or clearance to ensure their specific needs are accommodated. It’s important to inform the cruise line of any medical conditions or requirements during the booking process to ensure a smooth and comfortable cruise experience.

Special Needs and Accessibility

Passengers with special needs or accessibility requirements should reach out to their cruise line for assistance and accommodations regarding water bottle usage. Cruise lines are committed to ensuring that all passengers have a safe and enjoyable experience onboard. By communicating your needs in advance, they can provide the necessary support and guidance for your specific situation.


Bringing a water bottle on a cruise ship can offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental responsibility, and convenience. Understanding the policies and regulations surrounding water bottles, as well as the various options available for refilling and purifying water onboard, can help you make informed decisions during your cruise. Whether you choose to bring your own water bottle or utilize the amenities provided by the cruise line, staying hydrated throughout your voyage is essential for a enjoyable and memorable experience.