Do I Need To Bring Beach Towels On A Cruise?

So you’re planning a cruise and you’re wondering if you should pack your own beach towels. Well, let me tell you, bringing your own beach towels can be a smart move, but it’s not always necessary. Most cruise lines provide beach towels for their passengers, so you don’t have to worry about lugging around extra weight in your suitcase. However, if you prefer using your own towel or want to have a towel that you can easily identify on the ship’s crowded deck, it might be worth bringing your own.

Now, let’s talk about the details. When you board the cruise ship, you’ll usually find beach towels readily available near the pool area or at towel stations on the deck. These towels are provided by the cruise line and are meant to be used specifically on the ship’s pool deck or for excursions to the beach. They’re usually large and absorbent, perfect for drying off after a swim or lounging in the sun.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, keep track of your towel at all times. Since the cruise line provides them, they expect you to return them before the end of the cruise. If you lose your towel or forget to return it, you may be charged a fee. Also, keep in mind that using the cruise line’s towels for off-ship activities, such as visiting a beach in port, is not recommended. You don’t want to bring back any sand or dirt to the ship, as this can damage their pool filters. In such cases, having your own towel might come in handy.

In conclusion, while most cruise lines provide beach towels for their passengers, it’s ultimately your choice whether you want to bring your own. If you don’t mind using the cruise line’s towels and returning them at the end of the trip, there’s no need to pack your own. However, if you prefer the comfort of your own towel or want to reduce the risk of mix-ups, bringing your own beach towel can be a good idea. Either way, you’re sure to have a great time soaking up the sun on your cruise!

Why beach towels are important

When going on a cruise, one might wonder if it is necessary to bring their own beach towels. After all, most cruise ships provide towels for their guests to use at the pool or on the beach. However, there are several reasons why bringing your own beach towels can be beneficial. In this article, we will explore the importance of having beach towels on a cruise and the advantages of bringing your own.

Importance of having a beach towel

One might argue that having a beach towel is not essential when going on a cruise since most cruise ships provide towels for their guests. While it is true that towels are available onboard, having your own beach towel can offer many advantages. Firstly, using the same towel as everyone else can raise concerns about hygiene and cleanliness, especially during a time when health and safety are of utmost importance.

Additionally, having a beach towel that you are familiar with and comfortable using can enhance your overall experience. Cruise ship towels may be generic and lack in quality or comfort, making it more enjoyable to have a personal towel that meets your preferences. Lastly, using your own beach towel allows for personalization, making it easy to find your spot on crowded beaches or lounge chairs.

Advantages of bringing your own beach towel

If you decide to bring your own beach towels on a cruise, there are several advantages to consider. Firstly, by bringing your own towel, you can ensure that it is clean and free from any potential germs or bacteria. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that you are using a towel that has been properly cared for.

Secondly, bringing your own beach towel allows for a higher level of comfort. Personal towels are often made from softer materials or have a more plush feel, offering a more enjoyable experience when lounging by the pool or on the beach. Having a towel that meets your comfort preferences can greatly enhance your relaxation time.

Lastly, bringing your own beach towel allows for personalization. Many people like to add their own unique touch to their belongings, and beach towels are no exception. Whether it’s a monogram, a fun pattern, or simply choosing a color that reflects your personality, having a personalized towel can make it easy to identify your spot on busy beaches or pool decks.

Beach towel requirements on cruises

While bringing your own beach towel on a cruise offers numerous advantages, it is important to familiarize yourself with the specific rules and regulations regarding towels on your chosen cruise line. Each cruise line may have different policies regarding beach towels, including size and weight limitations. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know.

Cruise line policies on beach towels

Before packing your beach towels, it is essential to research the policies of your chosen cruise line. Some cruise lines require guests to use their provided towels and may have strict rules against bringing your own. Others may allow guests to bring their own towels but have specific guidelines regarding size, weight, or materials.

It is important to note that cruise line policies can change, so it is always best to check the most up-to-date information directly from the cruise line’s website or by contacting their customer service. By being aware of the policies and guidelines, you can avoid any potential issues or surprises when it comes to bringing your own beach towels.

Size and weight limitations

If your chosen cruise line allows guests to bring their own beach towels, there may be restrictions on the size and weight of the towels. This is to ensure that guests can easily carry and store their towels without causing any inconvenience or obstruction on the ship.

Typically, beach towels should be of a standard size that is easy to fold and pack. Large, bulky towels may be problematic when it comes to limited storage space in cabins or luggage. It is advisable to choose a beach towel that is lightweight and compact while still providing the desired level of comfort.

Specific rules and regulations

In addition to size and weight limitations, it is important to be aware of any specific rules and regulations regarding beach towels on a cruise. Some cruise lines may require towels to be returned or checked in after each use to prevent loss or theft. Others may have designated areas for towel exchange or distribution.

Being familiar with any specific rules and regulations can help you plan accordingly and ensure that you are in compliance with the cruise line’s policies. By doing so, you can enjoy your cruise without any unnecessary hassle or inconvenience.

Options for beach towels on a cruise

Now that we have explored the importance of having beach towels and the requirements on cruises, let’s discuss the different options available for obtaining beach towels during your cruise.

Renting beach towels onboard

If you choose not to bring your own beach towels, most cruise lines offer the option to rent them onboard. This is a convenient choice for those who want to avoid the hassle of packing and carrying towels during their travels. Rental fees are typically charged to the guest’s onboard account, and towels can be exchanged or replaced as needed.

Renting beach towels onboard can be a practical option, especially if you do not plan on using towels frequently or if you are concerned about packing space. However, it is important to note that rental fees can add up quickly, especially for longer cruises or for larger groups requiring multiple towels.

Using the provided beach towels

For those who prefer not to bring their own beach towels, using the towels provided by the cruise ship is an option. Most cruise lines supply towels at the pool areas or near beach activities, making it convenient for guests to access them as needed.

Using the provided beach towels can be a hassle-free option, as there is no need to pack or carry extra items. However, it is important to keep in mind that these towels are often shared among many guests and may lack in quality or comfort compared to personal towels.

Bringing your own beach towels

Lastly, bringing your own beach towels is an option that offers the most control and personalization. By bringing your own towels, you can ensure cleanliness, comfort, and familiarity throughout your cruise. You can pack towels that meet your preferences and enjoy the benefits of having a personal item during your vacation.

While bringing your own beach towels requires some planning and consideration, it can be a worthwhile choice for those who prioritize hygiene, comfort, and personalization. Plus, by bringing your own towels, you can avoid any potential rental fees or limitations on using the cruise line’s towels.

Benefits of bringing your own beach towels

Bringing your own beach towels on a cruise offers several benefits that can enhance your overall experience. Let’s delve deeper into the advantages of having your own towels during your vacation.

Hygiene and cleanliness

One of the primary benefits of bringing your own beach towels is the assurance of cleanliness and hygiene. By using your personal towels, you can avoid any concerns about using towels that have been used by numerous other guests. This is especially important during times when health and cleanliness are of the utmost importance.

Your personal towels are likely to be well-maintained and properly washed, ensuring that they are free from any potential germs or bacteria. This can provide peace of mind and contribute to a worry-free vacation experience.

Comfort and familiarity

Another advantage of bringing your own beach towels is the ability to prioritize comfort. Personal towels are often made from softer materials and offer a more plush feel compared to generic cruise ship towels. This can greatly enhance your relaxation time by providing a higher level of comfort while lounging by the pool or on the beach.

Furthermore, using your own beach towel allows for familiarity. You are already accustomed to the size, texture, and weight of your towels, making it easier to relax and enjoy your time at the beach or pool. Familiarity can contribute to a more enjoyable and stress-free vacation experience.

Personalization and uniqueness

Bringing your own beach towels allows for personalization and uniqueness. Many people like to add their own touch to their belongings, and beach towels are no exception. By bringing your own towels, you can choose a design, pattern, or color that reflects your personality or preferences. This not only adds a personalized touch to your vacation but also makes it easier to identify your spot on crowded beaches or pool decks.

Personalization and uniqueness can also add a sense of ownership and attachment to your beach towels. You are more likely to take care of and keep track of towels that have personal significance or value to you.

Cons of bringing your own beach towels

While bringing your own beach towels offers numerous benefits, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks or challenges that may arise. Let’s explore some of the cons of bringing your own towels on a cruise.

Limited packing space

One of the main concerns when it comes to bringing your own beach towels is limited packing space. Cruise cabins often have limited storage area, and suitcases can quickly fill up with clothing, toiletries, and other travel essentials. Adding bulky or oversized towels to your packing list may prove challenging.

To overcome this obstacle, it is advisable to choose beach towels that are compact and lightweight, taking up minimal space in your luggage. Look for towels that are made from quick-drying materials that can be easily folded or rolled to conserve space. By choosing the right towels and utilizing space-saving techniques, you can successfully pack your beach towels without sacrificing valuable packing space.

Laundry concerns

Another factor to consider when bringing your own beach towels is the potential need for laundry during your cruise. Using personal towels means that they will need to be washed or dried periodically to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. This may require using the ship’s laundry facilities or finding alternate ways to clean your towels during your vacation.

If you choose to wash your towels onboard, keep in mind that laundry services on a cruise ship may come at an additional cost. Additionally, you may need to plan the timing of your laundry to ensure that your towels are clean and dry when you need them.

Potential loss or damage

Lastly, there is a risk of potential loss or damage to your personal beach towels when bringing them on a cruise. With the hustle and bustle of a vacation, it is easy to misplace or forget personal belongings. If you are not careful, you may accidentally leave your towel behind at the beach or on a lounge chair.

Furthermore, beach towels can become damaged due to wear and tear, exposure to sand or saltwater, or accidental spills. Losing or damaging your personal towels may be disappointing, especially if they hold personal significance or value.

To mitigate the risk of loss or damage, it is important to be mindful of your belongings and take precautions to keep your towels secure. Consider using a brightly colored or unique towel that is less likely to be mistaken for someone else’s. Additionally, avoid leaving your towel unattended or in high traffic areas.

Tips for packing beach towels

If you decide to bring your own beach towels on a cruise, there are several tips and techniques to consider when packing. These tips will help you make the most of your packing space while ensuring that your towels remain clean and undamaged.

Choosing the right size and material

When selecting beach towels to bring on a cruise, opt for towels that are of a standard size and made from lightweight and quick-drying materials. Look for towels that are compact when folded or rolled, allowing for easy packing and storage.

Microfiber towels are an excellent choice, as they are lightweight, absorbent, and quick-drying. They also take up minimal space in your luggage. Additionally, microfiber towels are often more resistant to sand and debris, making them ideal for beach or pool use.

Folding techniques to maximize space

To maximize space in your luggage, consider using folding techniques specifically designed to minimize the size of beach towels. One popular folding technique is the “rolling” method. Start by folding the towel in half lengthwise, then roll tightly from one end to the other. This creates a compact roll that takes up minimal space in your suitcase.

Another method is to fold the towel into thirds, starting by folding one-third of the towel lengthwise towards the center, then folding the remaining third over the folded portion. This creates a smaller, more compact rectangle that can easily be placed in your luggage.

Protecting beach towels during travel

To protect your beach towels during travel, consider using a waterproof or water-resistant bag or pouch. This will prevent any potential spills or leaks from damaging your towels or other belongings in your luggage. It is also helpful to separate your towels from other items to avoid any transfer of sand or debris.

Additionally, packing your towels near the top of your luggage or in easily accessible compartments can help prevent them from becoming wrinkled or crushed during transit. By taking precautions to protect and properly pack your towels, you can ensure that they remain in good condition throughout your journey.

Alternative options to beach towels

If bringing beach towels proves to be too impractical or if you prefer to travel light, there are alternative options to consider. These options provide the convenience of beach towels without the need to bring your own.

Using sarongs or cover-ups

One option is to use sarongs or cover-ups instead of traditional beach towels. Sarongs are lightweight, versatile, and can be used as a towel, a wrap, or a cover-up. They take up minimal space in your luggage, making them a practical choice for those who want to travel light.

Additionally, some cruise lines offer sarongs or cover-ups for guests to use during their vacation. This eliminates the need to bring your own towels while still providing a way to dry off or lounge by the pool or on the beach.

Using swimwear with built-in towel features

Another option is to opt for swimwear that includes built-in towel features. Some swimwear brands offer designs with built-in towels or a microfiber lining that dries quickly. These innovative designs allow you to dry off without the need for a separate towel, minimizing the items you need to pack.

This option is ideal for those who want to travel light and avoid the hassle of carrying or maintaining separate beach towels. Swimwear with built-in towel features can provide convenience and functionality while still allowing you to enjoy your time at the beach or by the pool.

Opting for quick-dry microfiber towels

If you prefer to have a dedicated towel for the beach or pool, but do not want the bulk of traditional beach towels, consider opting for quick-dry microfiber towels. Microfiber towels are lightweight, absorbent, and dry quickly, making them a great alternative to traditional towels.

These towels can easily be folded or rolled into a compact size, taking up minimal space in your luggage. They are also resistant to sand and debris, making them perfect for beach or pool use. Quick-dry microfiber towels are available in various sizes and designs, allowing you to choose one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Considerations for tropical destinations

When deciding whether or not to bring beach towels on a cruise, it is important to consider the specific destination and the activities you plan to engage in. Tropical destinations often have different weather conditions, availability of beach towels, and local customs. Let’s explore these considerations further.

Weather conditions and beach activities

Tropical destinations are known for their beautiful beaches and warm weather. It is important to consider the weather conditions when deciding whether or not to bring beach towels. If you are traveling during the rainy season or in areas with high humidity, quick-dry microfiber towels may be a more practical choice.

Additionally, if you plan to engage in water sports or activities such as snorkeling, paddleboarding, or kayaking, having your own towel can be useful for drying off after these activities. Cruise ship towels may not be readily available or convenient to access in such situations.

Availability of beach towels in ports

Another consideration is the availability of beach towels in the ports of call during your cruise. While cruise lines often provide towels for their guests on the ship, it may be more challenging to find towels at the beaches or attractions in the ports you visit. If you plan to spend time on the beaches or participate in shore excursions that involve water activities, having your own towel can ensure that you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

It is advisable to research the availability of beach towels in the ports you will be visiting and plan accordingly. Some ports may have rental services or shops where you can purchase beach towels if needed. By being prepared, you can avoid any unexpected difficulties or inconveniences during your shore excursions.

Local customs and preferences

Lastly, it is important to consider local customs and preferences when it comes to beach towels. Some cultures or destinations may have specific traditions or etiquette regarding towel usage. For example, in some countries, it may be culturally inappropriate to use towels with certain designs or patterns.

By familiarizing yourself with the local customs and preferences, you can ensure that you are respectful and considerate during your travels. If in doubt, it is always best to ask locals or do some research to understand the cultural norms of the destinations you will be visiting.


In conclusion, the decision of whether or not to bring beach towels on a cruise ultimately depends on individual preferences and needs. While most cruise lines provide towels for their guests, bringing your own towels offers numerous advantages such as hygiene, comfort, and personalization.

When considering whether to bring your own beach towels, it is essential to research the policies and guidelines of your chosen cruise line. Familiarize yourself with the size and weight limitations, as well as any specific rules and regulations regarding beach towels.

There are various options available for obtaining beach towels on a cruise, including renting onboard or using the provided towels. However, bringing your own beach towels allows for greater control and personalization during your vacation.

While bringing your own beach towels has its benefits, it is important to be mindful of the potential limitations and challenges such as limited packing space, laundry concerns, or potential loss or damage.

By following the tips for packing beach towels and considering alternative options such as using sarongs or swimwear with built-in towel features, you can find a solution that best suits your preferences and travel style.

In addition, considering the specific destination, weather conditions, availability of beach towels, and local customs can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to bring beach towels on a cruise.

Ultimately, each individual’s choice may vary based on personal needs and preferences. Whether you choose to bring your own beach towels or rely on the provided options, the most important thing is to enjoy your cruise and make the most of your time at the beach or by the pool.